I try to share what's real in my life in this space I call mine
because of that I have been blessed with a support group
that I refer to as
my tribe
my blog loves
my guardian angels
my friends
so why someone chose to blast me and my post yesterday
is beyond me
as I was always told that
"if you can't say something nice
don't say anything at all"
I don't want to give the person who couldn't put a name behind their words
any time and attention on my blog
because I erased the comment
~with the speed of a gazelle~
which splattered itself on my screen like a bug on a windshield
left a few of you wondering what was going on
I felt the need to at least tell you a bit about it
the little snake
didn't think that having a difficult son to deal with was a big enough problem for me to write about
that obviously I have never had anything hard to deal with in my life
that I should get my head out of the clouds
how dare I take a mental break by going out and taking pictures
yep just like that
I was wounded
but with nothing a tiny band aid couldn't fix
what I focused on instead
the personal emails many of you sent to me which are now cherished gifts
along with all the comments
filled with support and love and guidance and understanding

I have to believe or at least want to believe that the person who left such an ugly note
doesn't know me
doesn't have children or teenagers
doesn't understand that I have feelings
~what I tend to believe~
doesn't have a heart
because I was sensitive and emotional and unzipped and vulnerable
I shed tears yesterday
after talking with my daughter
after talking with my hubby
after reading all the supportive notes and comments that were sent to me
after reading notes from my sister-in-law and mother-in-law
while talking with my mom as she gave me her shoulder
that my eyes screamed for a break while my heart was bursting with love
so to the heartless nameless snake
there you go
you got time and space on my blog
which almost makes me want to vomit
I hope
~actually I pray~
that you go away from here and leave me alone
as obviously what I write is of no interest to you
so why waste your time here
I hope
that you are a drifter stumbling here like a drunk on a street corner
not knowing who I am
without the ability to ever return
to char and joyce and cindy and toni and amanda and holly and shell and eileen and cam and suzanne and claire and mel and elk and kim and roban and angelica and pixiedust and tameka and
dani and alicia and patty and kate and sam and beth and laura
thank you for holding me up while I stumbled and swayed and banged my head against the wall
during another heart wrenching nerve bending throat parching hair pulling
teenage day