our air is strangely warm and the sun has been amazing
the melting has begun
only as a tease. we know winter is still technically here. but i'm not complaining. instead i'm savoring it. i even went for a walk in the park yesterday.
have i ever told you that i hate treadmills with a passion. well i do.

a woman's place, by barbara delinsky
the dive from clausen's pier, by ann packer
look again, by lisa scottoline
i'm so happy for you, by lucinda rosenfeld
beyond the waves, by elizabeth marek
these are the books that have captured my attention so far this winter. if i read 5 pages in a book and it doesn't suck me in. then it's not a book for me and it quickly goes back on the shelf.
obviously all of these books sucked me in. immediately.
i have a hard time recommending books to other people though. books and movies. i mean just because i loved it doesn't mean you will. but if you happen to be in a bookstore wandering around aimlessly this weekend, you might want to have my list handy. just in case.

in the afternoons i have been watching "the talk" which i had completely laughed at when it was first advertised. i have to say. for the most part. i like it.
is anyone besides me watching the bachelor. it's not that i love this show. it's the fact that it's a train wreck that keeps me interested.
the whole photo shoot with the bikinis last night. sheesh. but hey. at least michelle is finally gone. i think with all the therapy brad's gotten he's finally wising up.
so what do think.
is it going to be emily in the end. can you believe she's only 24.
or will it be chantal the funeral director.
have i mentioned lately that i can't wait for summer