maybe instead of thinking something is funny
I should be concerned
maybe instead of talking so much
I should be listening
maybe instead of thinking that I know what your life is about
I should be working on getting to you know you better
maybe instead of taking you for granted
I should be more thankful for everyday with you
maybe instead of assuming you are okay
I should be asking
maybe instead of thinking my problems are the most important
I should be helping you with yours
maybe instead of only seeing what I think is important
I should be concerned about your thoughts, too
maybe instead of always being right
I should be okay with being wrong
maybe instead of going at a speed too fast for most
I should slow down and wait
maybe instead of saying something that might hurt your feelings
I should be quiet and just enjoy your company
maybe instead of thinking and worrying that I'm doing some things wrong
I should realize that I have done some things right
All of us are in some kind of a relationship, many of them long term, where maybe we catch ourselves not being quite as wonderful as we were at the beginning.
Or trying as hard.
relationships are hard.
It's easy to take them all for granted.
Whether you are a spouse, a friend, a child, a co-worker, a parent, an in-law or a sibling,
you're in a relationship,
and relationships take time and work,
no matter what.
And as I wrote this,
not even sure what prompted it,
and I thought about the relationships I have,
the relationships I live with everyday,
I decided that I've been blessed...
really blessed,
with each and everyone I have
and to take any of them for granted,
without working on them every now and then
is like buying a plant
and never watering it.
So from now on
I'm going to keep my watering can
close at hand.