February 29, 2008
right in front of me
February 28, 2008
old family photos.......
February 26, 2008
February 24, 2008
the chair
February 23, 2008
what I'm not afraid to tell you.......
February 21, 2008
my yoga.....
Yoga has become something that I really, really enjoy doing.
If I'm not doing something I enjoy, I get bored easily, stop paying attention and move on to the next thing that looks a little more interesting to me, and so on and so on.
A touch of adult ADD I suspect....seriously.
I don't enjoy getting dressed for yoga, going out in the cold, driving to the club or even setting up my mat.
But once I'm in the studio, the lights are dimmed, the music starts and the teacher with her soothing voice tells me to send out my negativity into the universe and be grounded to the earth during tadasana....well, I must say....at that point I'm somewhat delirious with my "self" and my "world" and I'm lost for the next hour.
And then at the end, when it comes time for savasana, I become more relaxed than I ever thought this sometimes stressed out and fidgity body of mine could be.
It's a feeling that I can't really describe to anyone. And if someone had told me what yoga felt like prior to me going to class myself, I honestly would have thought them to be a little nuts.
So what I'm saying is that yoga is wonderful....but I can't tell you that. Only by going to a class will you understand.
So I hope for any of you out there who are maybe thinking of trying yoga, that you'll follow your heart and go.... and then you, too, will be seeking a way to let others know what they've been missing.
{plus, if you have a teacher like mine, you'll also pick up a new language-sanskrit}
February 20, 2008
Something like this......
February 18, 2008
February 17, 2008
Only in my mind......
February 16, 2008
Oh how I love my wild animals.....
February 15, 2008
Inspiration comes in many packages......
February 14, 2008
and the winners are.....
February 12, 2008
cold and snowy outisde = journal pages inside
And for me, I need to have many pages for my many thoughts, made up ahead of time.
When I feel like making pages, I don't feel like writng.
And when I feel like writing, I don't want to have to take the time to make a page.
February 10, 2008
how my big head journal pages happen
February 9, 2008
trying to sing
February 8, 2008
February 6, 2008
do you see what I see ?
February 5, 2008
SUPER TUESDAY, but different
February 2, 2008
Won't you be my VALENTINE ?
{and yes, those are little red pencils {that actually write} on the sides}
Well, that's how this GIVE AWAY is going to be.
That way I can get them in the mail on FEBRUARY 11th and nobody (until after the 14th when I post the winners) will know who won....but if you did win, you will have already gotten your VALENTINE in the mail before it is announced here.
So please comment before NOON on FEBRUARY 10th to get your name in the running !..and don't forget to email me right away your mailing address !!!
And one more thing...if you have a blog and tell others about this GIVE AWAY with a link to me....I'll enter your name TWICE !!