here it is
it's plain and simple
yet it eluded me for weeks. i tried letting a word pick me. but it didn't happen. so i looked under rocks. waited for a sign. read the thesaurus.
found it
as i started to type this
i second guessed myself and picked a completely different word
like those heels you used to wear that now pinch and make you walk funny
it just wasn't me
i closed my eyes
welcomed me back
i think savor
stems from my ability to fly through life and then look back and wonder what i missed. or see what i missed and feel remorseful.
let's face it. i'm quick. things are done fast and efficiently when i'm in the room.
rarely have i truly savored the moment. or the laugh. or the words whispered in my ear. or the warm hand holding mine. or the embrace. or the tears. or the sunset.
when my kids were little i raised them well. but quickly. always ready to move onto the next stage while not savoring the age they currently were.
i want to savor the time i'm with my husband. i don't want to think about tomorrow's schedule. or the laundry. i want to savor him. savor us.
i'm lucky to have young parents and take for granted that they will always be around.
so i don't savor the time i spend with them. sure i enjoy it. but i don't savor it.
well that's going to change.
sometimes words are hard
just like resolutions
they have this uncanny ability to make you look at your truth
i think that's why i wavered when i started typing. truth has a way of doing that to you.
i also think that's why i came back
i needed a little
butt kicking
so 2011
i'm ready for you. i'm ready to savor what you throw at me. and if somewhere along the way i falter. i hope you'll be patient and know that i'm trying my best. that i'm really trying to savor the moments. your moments. my moments.
now it's your turn. please please please share your word with me. i'd love to hear what word you picked and why. either leave it here or tell me to come over to your blog. some of you have already shared your words, but you can still give me a little nudge here so that we can group as many of us together as possible.
happy new year
i adore all of you who visit me here in my little corner of the world
now i savor you
ps....the photo above is my newest postcard design. i'm kind of loving it.