March 8, 2010

oh that crazy sun...

it just breathes so much life into me
my weekend was filled with
wishing i had seen "the hurt locker"
yummy chicken salad sandwiches
the movie
"crazy heart"
oscar guesses
hiking boots
rooibos tea
swooning over jeff bridges
~don't we love those bad boys~
a drive in the country
mostly it was filled with

a hand picked flower just for you
how was your weekend
did you feel alive


  1. What a great post! Love this. The pictures of you show a fun loving and beautiful woman. I know what you mean about wishing you had seen The Hurt Locker. Me too. Also a Jeff Bridges fan!! It looks just like you are handing each of the flower. Awesome. Yes, I had a wonderful weekend. And I intend to have a terrific week as well.

  2. Most definitely! We had a sunny, warm weekend! I spent most of it outside working in the yard and mowing the lawn.

  3. I had a great weekend and felt very much dancing...but much silliness.

  4. it was a great weekend...and now this is a great start to the week.
    lovely post~

  5. I love these photo's of you, lady! I feel like laughing right along with you, like I'm in on your secrets, LOL

  6. I wish I did! I was dealing with two sick toddlers while being sick myself.

    Today, however, we were able to get out for a stroll in the spring temps.

  7. you are such a breath of fresh sunny air.....xox~Kim those shades you rock them!

  8. Yes- the nicer weather gives hope to spring (kinda, sorta...)! Cute post!

  9. looks like lots of sun fun ... even with snow still piled high

  10. Looks like you had a fab weekend, Beth.

    Mine was packed with a fancy party, too much food and a long night on the sofa with Oscar!

    Hope your week is good. It looks like things are warming up in your neighborhood.


  11. Oh Beth, you are such a wonderful gorgeous, caring gal. I love you had such a great weekend. I am a Jeff Bridges fan. i did not know he had been married for 33 years. that makes him more secy to me as that is a miracle in Hollywood. I also wish I had seen the hurt locker. Gottas run, the sun is still shining. have a great day.

  12. well, not actual silliness, but memories of silliness and that was almost as good!

  13. you are too cute!! :-)

  14. Ha ha! Can't wait till its my turn... its not looking good this week... but maybe next? Your enthusiasm is contagious... and excuse me when I say in a very When Harry met Sally kind of way... I'll have what SHE is having!!

  15. My two youngest sons arrived in Atlanta on Friday, with their ladies - Alex's finace and Jeremy's girlfriend. First, we visited my mom at her nursing home in Atlanta, an incredible place with NO odor of urine!! Then we drove to Columbus and went out to dinner with my friends. Saturday, my brother drove down with a truck and we loaded up the things from Mom's apartment that we wanted to keep. My sister barbecued that night. Sunday, we all trekked back over to the nursing home where my mom seemed in much better spirits and was hugged and teased by her towering grandsons. I took them to the airport for their flight home, happy that they had cared enough to come, in spite of my asking them not to do so!

  16. These are great! Was Mr. John home?! You're so darned cute!

    Yes, I was wishing all those things, too -- and lapping up that sun like it was an open bag of chili lime Tostitos and no one was around!

  17. i am reaching for that flower.

  18. Yes, alive! The sun was shining and I felt alive. I love the bad boys too. What is it about them that is so attractive?

  19. Yes. Yes. Yes. I loved how the sun felt. Loved not having to wear big coats and hats. Just loved seeing and feeling the sun!

  20. you are just so flippin cute... LOVE this... every bit....

    actually my weekend was just right... :) and i'm most grateful...

    thanks for making me smile...

    xxo, kim ♥

  21. I love your zest for life!

    Skip, hop, jump, run or whatever you do Beth....keep doing it with love & joy.

    Your smile is amazing :-)

  22. I had a weekend filled with bestie QT time. I definitely felt alive!

  23. You are looking so good in them shades, sister!

    And, totally, I see Meg Ryan!!

  24. It was a very good weekend. Not much dancing...but lot's of "chillin out." Loved the Oscars...esp Ben Stiller!

  25. delta dawn, what's that flower you have on
    could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
    (uh yes, that's why it's dead. sorry.)

    beth, too damn funny.

  26. watched hurt locker last night. very well done.

  27. You are so cute...I love your silliness....finding flowers in the snow.

  28. Beth,,,you are the cutest, damnedest, spunkiest, friskiest seriously silliest woman I know in blogland! and by the way....YES! my weekend was a blast! and I am still smiling, grinning and giggling about it all!!

  29. the sun definitely has a way of waking us up. my daughter is home on spring break that makes me smile. we had beautiful weather here this past weekend so we planted flowers.
    love your sunglasses.

  30. I adore these pics of you :-) cutie!!


**I love reading the comments you leave, as they make me feel like we're sitting in my kitchen, having a cup of tea, discussing life and wondering where all the time has gone ...beth