I heard their laughter first
from across the pond
as I approached them
they ignored me
the same way I think most adults ignore a group of kids like this
kids who look like trouble
the baggie jeans with their boxers hanging out
girls who think they look tough
with their eyes smothered in thick black eye liner
smoking to look cool
hooded sweatshirts with the hoods up
that we often take as
"don't even think about getting too close to us"
so we don't
I walked right up to them and asked if I could take their pictures
they all smiled and asked me why
I told them that I love real life photography
that they were the best thing I had seen all day

everyone of those tough faces
right at me
their eyes sparkled

I told them that I couldn't take photos of their faces
due to the fact that a parent might not want a complete stranger
photographing their children
they seemed to understand

they wanted to know what they should do
I said just be yourselves
so they laughed
kept looking over their shoulder at me
one of the girls said she felt like a celebrity
that I was the paparazzi
coming out of nowhere to take her photo
it was one of the best compliments I've ever received

when I was almost done
I told them about my jumping photos
their excitement was tangible
as they ran over towards me
while I walked a little closer to the pond
they practiced
they laughed
they competed to see who could jump the highest
then they thanked me with loud voices of
"this was great"
I said
thank you
for being such great kids
give kids like this a chance...I have a teenager close to their same ages and he wears
a black hoodie and also thought smoking made him look cool
he wouldn't hurt a fly and almost everyday
has a heart larger than life
maybe this is why I was so comfortable in the park with these kids
who knows
just remember
they're kids
who maybe have parents too busy to notice that they aren't even home from school yet
or haven't had a hug or been told "I love you" in months
or even heard
good morning...have a great day at school...got everything you need
in weeks
i think all of us can make a difference
in the lives of the kids who others ignore
the surprising part
is the difference they can make in yours