May 31, 2008
I think maybe
May 29, 2008
a piece of my heart

May 28, 2008
just you
May 26, 2008
in or out
May 23, 2008
May 21, 2008
take a hike with me ?
In another month, the growth of "everything green" will have taken over and then it's almost impossible to climb anymore.
In this shot, I'm actually looking up the hill at John and what you don't see is how steep it is behind me. If you look closely, my hand is holding onto a log so that I don't slip backwards.
I'm sure there is a "real" name for all the funky things we find on the trees,
but for now, I just keep pointing and saying,
"look, there's another fungi"
and then my husband says,
"gee, thanks honey, I am a fun guy aren't I?"
{and boy do we have woodpeckers...can you tell ?}
This one was growing straight out from the tree, like a ledge.
May 20, 2008
You'll see.....I 'm not suziblu
Well, today I decided to play.
I should have been packing what the kids need for camp, or cleaning, or doing laundry, or running errands...all the things I told my hubby I'd be doing today, but for some reason...okay, the reason is because I love Suziblu, I decided to take a video of myself. I asked my daughter{who insisted that she not be filmed} to take it for me while we were eating the lunch she brought from Trader Joe's...but she just laughed at me. {I get that alot from my family, usually with a roll of the eyes} Anyhow, the only video camera I have is just an "extra" on my regular camera, so the quality isn't that great...well, neither is the subjuect matter, but it was fun to do....we laughed alot. So for me, the girl who doesn't even like photos of herself, this is a big step to show myself "raw to the world"....oh, and on top of it, the house was a mess with "camp" piles while I walking through it....but I digress !
So here I am.....on my first {and maybe last} youtube video....
May 19, 2008
broken words, maybe
May 17, 2008
skunk cabbage
May 15, 2008
build it and they will come......
but I liked that this one had watercolor paper in it...
I like that heavy feel !
magazine everything, rub-ons, markers and paint
May 13, 2008
a whole box of kleenex and then some...
May 11, 2008
I remember.......