we had a great time
walking around downtown yesterday
we saw a little bit of everything and brought it all home on our cameras
adorable kids
interesting clothing options
funny signs
amazing architecture
street musicians
talented artists
this is the photo that will stay with me for a very long time
a little piece of my heart broke off when I took it
when did any us of decide
that we had the right or even the ability
to judge anyone else
that wasn't
"just like us"
when and how did that happen
because guess what
we're all
~each and everyone one of us~
"just like us"
last time I checked
we all laugh when we're told a joke
we all sleep when the day has filled us up
we all feel better when we have a warm hand to hold onto
we all know that the sky is blue
we all have hearts that beat loudly inside us
we all bleed when we've been cut
we all feel a world of emotions
when we've been left out
talked about
pointed at
made fun of
the lady next to you on the train had really bad body odor
~but we don't know her story to judge her~
the heavily bearded man walking down the street had liquor on his breath
~but we don't know his story to judge him~
the house with the boarded up windows ruins the look of the neighborhood
~but we don't know the story of the people inside to judge them~
we don't
plain and simple
we don't
she didn't mind at all that I took her photo yesterday
she didn't even ask what I was going to use it for
I can only hope and pray that she somehow knows that I'm using it
for good
for love
for understanding
for letting people know
that we don't have the right to judge anyone
based on
who they love
who they want to come home to at the end of the day
who they want keeping them warm
who they want holding their hand
who they want making them laugh
because if we did
we'd all be judging our friends and family
haven't you maybe said or at least thought
"gosh I don't know what she sees in him"
"how did those two end up together"
"how can she even begin to think he's handsome"
"do you think they'll get married"
I thought maybe you had