December 31, 2008
December 29, 2008
falling deep inside...

December 28, 2008
my favorite little park...
December 26, 2008
can you help me again ???
can you see two photos here or only one ??
flickr is trying it's best to give me a headache
with my photostream
so I'm hoping I can count on all of you
to let me know
what you see
what you don't see
these pictures are the same
but uploaded in two different ways
thanks for you help
December 25, 2008
December 23, 2008
December 22, 2008
December 21, 2008
a little rough for me today

when it feels like
minus 30 outside
it's hard to get motivated
I needed to get out and "shoot"
If you love your camera
you know what I mean
so with my hubby driving
I "shot" from the passenger seat
while the sun was setting
this is so
not me
nope, not one bit
I like to be up close and personal
to what I see through my view finder
maybe here in wisconsin
I can do that again
in about 6 months
December 19, 2008
a little thinking and hoping...

I've been lighting candles at night
staring at the flames
while sitting back
taking deep breaths
I've been taking my days slow
filling them mostly with
cup after cup of hot tea
I've been thinking how in the blink of an eye
I'll be flipping my days
so that they'll read 2009
I've been hoping that "you"
all of my friends that this blog has allowed me to aquire
know how much I appreciate each and everyone of you
your visits, your talents, your stories
I want to thank you all for being a huge part of my life
hugs to you all
December 18, 2008
my momma always said there'd be days like this....

time to get out the big guns.....that dinky, pink {yet adorable} sweater I had on last week, just isn't working any longer here in wisconsin...
we have a winter storm advisory starting tonight at 6pm and running until noon tomorrow...
only another 7-11 inches of snow is all they're calling for....but hey, I can do this !!
seriously, I can handle this !!
and whoa, wait a minute, are you still laughing at me ??
mom, when did you say we leave for the beach ??
December 16, 2008
bless their hearts......
December 15, 2008
this is what happens when you invite me over for coffee
December 14, 2008
because sometimes I like them big......

I'm not sure about the rest of you using blogger, but I've had one hell of a time trying to figure out how to make my pictures larger on a post....and I think I have it figured out...maybe...and if I ever recover from the 82 head banging hours it took me to do this, I just might be able to help you, if you're interested !!!
December 13, 2008
this time of year...or maybe just weekends....
December 10, 2008
I kind of thought so......
it's a little amazing
based on my dancing post a few days ago
that I got this in my inbox today
Should you ever hear your name being called, Beth, only to spin around and see absolutely no one... it's most likely one of us, in the unseen, who misses you so much we've begun following you around, talking as if you can hear us, waving our arms around excitedly as we speak, and getting so carried away that we've ended up volunteering you for "Dancing with the Angels" by blurting your name out so loud, it broke the time-space barrier. Oh my!
The Universe
December 9, 2008
my wish for you....
December 7, 2008
I've always known.....


it makes me happy
we were at a 50th birthday party last night
and we danced the night away
while singing
sometimes shouting
the lyrics
to the best dance songs
it didn't matter
if the songs were old
or new
barry white
my high heeled boots were off in a corner
in my barefeet
oh yeah
did I ever dance
December 6, 2008
why me ?
December 4, 2008
hanging on......
and her voice is still in my head.......

I had only heard of
jonatha brooke
but at
was in my superhero class
fell head over heels in love with her
her voice
so you can only imagine
how thrilled I was when I found out
she'd be here in madison

her concert was amazing
in a tiny renovated theatre
where there were only about 100 of us
it was perfect in every way
with a parking spot right out front
our warm box seats
{as the rest of the theatre was freezing}
shouting out a request
that she actually sang
I only had my little point and shoot camera
with me
and I think john was a little nervous
meeting a superstar
as our picture turned out a little blurry
who cares
I got to hug jonatha brooke
her fabulous concert
talk to her about going to
next year
baby cedar being born and jen's video
celebrating his birth
December 3, 2008
barns aren't always red, you know.....