
October 31, 2012

love and other drugs....

happy halloween

i know i've been quiet here with my words lately, but they just haven't been coming to me easily. sometimes when they do show up, all bedraggled and weepy looking, but with the highest expectations, i've been very protective of them and haven't felt like they've been the right words to share. instead, they've needed to be held with all the motherly and womanly love i can give them and then scrutinized closely, yet gently.

when i'm quiet here, i usually disappear from the blog world completely. this time though, i've been reading most of your blogs, but often, the words for even the simplest comments are missing. i'm sorry. please know that i hope this changes soon. come on november...revitalize me.
yesterday, by late morning, a migraine had taken over my head. by three, my hubby was home to take care of me. there's no doubt in my mind that his presence and his dinner made me feel better. granted, i finally succumbed to a hydrocodone tablet shortly after he got home, since the naratriptin wasn't working, but i still think he had something to do with it. 

in the afternoon, i do almost anything i can to make sure i watch "ellen." yesterday she had an amazing singer/rapper on whose words and video blew me away. i understand that by sharing him here, i could offend some of you and possibly lose you as readers or followers, but i'm willing to take that chance.
i hope you take the time to watch this video.

i have so many fall photos. some that should have been shown here when they were more "weather appropriate," like before all the leaves disappeared, but sometimes, my cup runneth over.

happy hump halloween day
and yes, in case you're wondering, candy corn {in october only} is one of the food groups


  1. sorry to hear about your migraine, which
    probably has everything to do with your
    need for 'quiet.'

    i get them, too, and they can be soooo
    debilitating. hope you feel better soon.
    my sister told me that an ER doc warms
    his patients hands and feet, which draws
    the blood from the head.

    now, i make sure to never let my hands
    and feet get cold.

  2. candy corn .. oh how i love candy corn ... hope you are on the way back to your wordy self ;)

  3. Beth, be gentle with yourself. You and your family have been through a lot lately. I loved all your images, but my absolute fave is the one of the lighthouse and sailboat. Take care of yourself, my friend!

  4. Beautiful series of shots... especially love the first of the gourds... so sorry about your migraine... I used to get them (for about 45 years) but thankfully they are a thing of the past... hope you find some relief.

  5. boo for migraines. hope it is better today.

    these photos are all just fabulous.

    and sometimes, you just have to let your words rest until they are ready yo come out and play. or sing, or jump up and down.


  6. I believe in gay marriage....and i'm not gay...i've been married to the same wonderful man for 23 years...who does not share my views on this....he's entitled to his own opinion ..but so am daughter agrees with me but for different reasons.....her lovely logical self thinks of the financial reasons...that gays should be allowed to marry to receive certain benefits given to married couples me? I'm ruled more by my heart............

    If you are lucky enough to find someone who loves you back as much as you love them and you want to spend the rest of your life together it should not matter the color of your skin, your religion nor your is so difficult to find in this world...true love....when you find it, embrace it and never let it go...Hugs! deb

  7. Your posts always make my day, even if you're not feeling it.
    Hope you feel better.

  8. Those little peanut butter cups are a food group at our house. LOL

  9. Oh, Honey, I am sorry that you are feeling poorly. I am so glad that John is there to be your harbor though. Take care of you.
    Thank you for sharing your quiet voice today.
    Love ya !

  10. Sometimes we just have to hibernate a bit. I'm starting to stretch my way out of my break and it's good to see you're still here posting beautiful images and inspiring words...even when they are few they are comforting.

  11. Love the video and the music. Liam and some of his buddies are going to see them here in a couple of weeks.

    Migraine..Ugh. But you have such a good nurse and when you're feeling down to begin with and the pounding begins, it's comfort from one who loves you that helps you to heal.

    Loving your photographs and understanding the words not coming...I'm still a bit like that myself..and we'll come through this. Be good to you. xo

  12. Oh, Beth. I can so relate to how you feel about your writing here. I get that way from time to time, too. And even with the comments when I visit other blogs, I understand. The thoughts and words just don't come.
    Offended? Are you kidding? I thought the video was lovely. And I do hope that your head and your soul feel better soon. As always, your images are divine.

  13. Love ellen
    Love candy corn
    Love you
    Take care and be well.
    Happy Halloween!

  14. I do hope you feel better soon! Migrains stink! If it makes you feel any better I absolutly love that milkweed photo:)

    I have never been able to be wordy so I think you're great!

  15. Enjoyed your Sand Hill Crane photo.

    Hope you have recovered from your migraine. I use to get them very often, so I know how they disrupt your life.

  16. Hello Beth hope when you're about to read my comment you conquered that nasty mountain of a migrane again. I feel for you since I totaly know what it is to have them. Seems they are getting to me more often these days. Well again your post and photo's are good in any shape.
    Be well hugs Dagmar

  17. I hope with a new day sunshine returns back into your life. ((hugs))

  18. Your poor head.
    I like the faded quality of these photos--so wistful.

  19. hey, i posted a bird photo for halloween, too!

    i'm sorry about the migraine, but so glad you have a loving man to help you when you're sick.

    and my words have been few lately, too...

  20. Hope you're feeling more up to yourself soon Beth....candy corn is also in the vegetable food group the day after Halloween!

  21. you're a beautiful person with a beautiful blog and if someone is offended that you shared something that touched you... well, then, whatever :)

    no matter how ones feels about gay marriage, I like that this song pointed out that God calls us to love one another....

    anyway, sorry you're having a rough time. thank you for sharing your beautiful self with us :)

  22. Wretched migraine. I hope you're feeling better soon and that the words come back. Although these words were fine. And your photographs, of course, keep me coming back for more.

  23. your crops and cranes make me very happy : )))

    i love that you can only share where you are, it is beautiful.

    sending you deep peaceful rest and healing ~ ~ ~

  24. Oh know I relate to your migraines. Sorry sweetie. Hope everything is better today. Xo

  25. Migraines are awful and I feel so bad for you Beth

    The video you posted is awesome Thank you

  26. Take your time sweetie...take your time.

  27. "Love and Other Drugs" - now that's a title!!

  28. Hate to hear you had another terrible migraine. Sure wish you could find out what triggers them! Beautiful photos and I thought the video was beautiful. Thanks for sharing it. I love Ellen, but she comes at a different time here now and I never get to see her!

  29. Beautiful nature photos. Hope you feel better soon.

    Our sunflowers are wildflowers that grow very tall in the fall. The daisies (maybe like your prairieflowers) bloom in spring and are shorter. The sunflowers do follow the sun. I've seen they grow to over 8-12 feet tall.

  30. i understand, beth, i really do.

  31. Thanks for the video link - brought tears to my eyes. Hope you are feeling better!
    -- Mary Ellen

  32. congrats on your POTW. i do hope november is treating you better. :)


**I love reading the comments you leave, as they make me feel like we're sitting in my kitchen, having a cup of tea, discussing life and wondering where all the time has gone ...beth