Where in the world is my daughter, you ask ? Well, she's in New Orleans.
She left Saturday morning with a small group of other kids from her college, for a very LONG drive in cramped vans, to head south. They arrived safely last night.
This is their last week of winter break and they'll spend it building houses for the residents of New Orleans that lost everything in Katrina.
It will be hard work during the day and they'll spend their nights on air mattresses in small apartments where 7 people share 1 bathroom.
The food they eat is donated to them. Sandwiches for lunch and something "hot" for dinner. They know that the area behind where they're staying is very dangerous and have been told to never go anywhere by themselves...EVER !
I applaud these kids. Each and everyone of them. They could be at home, still relishing every last minute of their break, being spoiled by their parents, sleeping until noon and then eating potato chips for breakfast. Instead, they are CHOOSING to help strangers.
Aren't we told over and over again to pay it forward ?? We are and we do our little parts when we can...BUT these teenagers see the bigger picture.
They will come home exhausted on Sunday and head straight back to school on Monday with stories to tell, pictures to share and memories that will last a lifetime. But most of all they'll know that they helped to make a difference in someone's life.....and really, is there any better feeling than that ??